Today I received a beautiful birthday card from an old friend...
"Physical growth is a function of time,
Intellectual growth is a function of learning,
Spiritual growth is a function of obedience.
- John Bevere - "
Thanks for the wonderful encouragement, D! *Hugs*
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Today's QT...
Here's an excerpt from today's QT. As usual, Ecclesiastes may seem depressing... however, one needs an occasional push.
Ecclesiastes 12 (NCV)
1 Remember your Creator while you are young, before the days of trouble comeand the years when you say, “I find no pleasure in them.”
2 When you get old, the light from the sun, moon, and stars will grow dark; the rain clouds will never seem to go away.
3 At that time your arms will shake and your legs will become weak. Your teeth will fall out so you cannot chew, and your eyes will not see clearly.
4 Your ears will be deaf to the noise in the streets, and you will barely hear the millstone grinding grain. You’ll wake up when a bird starts singing, but you will barely hear singing.
5 You will fear high places and will be afraid to go for a walk. Your hair will become white like the flowers on an almond tree. You will limp along like a grasshopper when you walk. Your appetite will be gone. Then you will go to your everlasting home,and people will go to your funeral.
6 Soon your life will snap like a silver chainor break like a golden bowl. You will be like a broken pitcher at a spring, or a broken wheel at a well.
7 You will turn back into the dust of the earth again,but your spirit will return to God who gave it.
8 Everything is useless! The Teacher says that everything is useless.
9 The Teacher was very wise and taught the people what he knew. He very carefully thought about, studied, and set in order many wise teachings.
10 The Teacher looked for just the right words to write what is dependable and true.1
1 Words from wise people are like sharp sticks used to guide animals. They are like nails that have been driven in firmly. Altogether they are wise teachings that come from one Shepherd.
12 So be careful, my son, about other teachings. People are always writing books, and too much study will make you tired.
13 Now, everything has been heard,so I give my final advice:Honor God and obey his commands,because this is all people must do.
14 God will judge everything, even what is done in secret, the good and the evil.
Fix your eyes on Jesus, and don’t ever give up.
Ecclesiastes 12 (NCV)
1 Remember your Creator while you are young, before the days of trouble comeand the years when you say, “I find no pleasure in them.”
2 When you get old, the light from the sun, moon, and stars will grow dark; the rain clouds will never seem to go away.
3 At that time your arms will shake and your legs will become weak. Your teeth will fall out so you cannot chew, and your eyes will not see clearly.
4 Your ears will be deaf to the noise in the streets, and you will barely hear the millstone grinding grain. You’ll wake up when a bird starts singing, but you will barely hear singing.
5 You will fear high places and will be afraid to go for a walk. Your hair will become white like the flowers on an almond tree. You will limp along like a grasshopper when you walk. Your appetite will be gone. Then you will go to your everlasting home,and people will go to your funeral.
6 Soon your life will snap like a silver chainor break like a golden bowl. You will be like a broken pitcher at a spring, or a broken wheel at a well.
7 You will turn back into the dust of the earth again,but your spirit will return to God who gave it.
8 Everything is useless! The Teacher says that everything is useless.
9 The Teacher was very wise and taught the people what he knew. He very carefully thought about, studied, and set in order many wise teachings.
10 The Teacher looked for just the right words to write what is dependable and true.1
1 Words from wise people are like sharp sticks used to guide animals. They are like nails that have been driven in firmly. Altogether they are wise teachings that come from one Shepherd.
12 So be careful, my son, about other teachings. People are always writing books, and too much study will make you tired.
13 Now, everything has been heard,so I give my final advice:Honor God and obey his commands,because this is all people must do.
14 God will judge everything, even what is done in secret, the good and the evil.
Fix your eyes on Jesus, and don’t ever give up.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Children of Chow Kit
I came across a heart-wrenching article yesterday in a women's magazine featuring the plight of children living on Chow Kit road and other parts of town - Masjid India, Petaling Street, TAR Road, etc. Seeing photos of how these children live brought tears to my eye. It peaked my interested to find out what the government and other potentially influencial bodies are doing to aid these children and here's an excerpt from The Star, dated Sunday, July 9, 2006:
Uncertain future for Chow Kit children
They live in dingy homes along the streets of Chow Kit in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. Their mothers are drug addicts and sex workers. They sell their bodies to feed their habit, leaving the children in a world of their own.
In the daytime, these children play in the vicinity of their makeshift homes and wait for their mothers to return. At night, some of them follow their mothers to work, sleeping on the pavements, while their mothers entertain the clients at home. It's a sad world punctuated by hope as kind souls from NGOs try their best to make life better for these forgotten children.
KUALA LUMPUR: They are the unfortunate kids of the world. Circumstances beyond their control have made the streets of Chow Kit their dingy home and unwelcome playground. Some are forced to tag along with their sex worker mothers as they ply their trade. Others share a rundown wooden house or a small room in a shoplot with their siblings, waiting for their mothers to return home. Most do not have much to eat and sometimes resort to stealing to feed themselves.
At night, some of these children, who are said to number in the hundreds in Chow Kit alone, sleep on the pavements while their mothers “entertain” clients at home. Ira is only 10 but plays “mother” to her four brothers, aged between one and seven, and a nine-year-old sister. All have different fathers. The children live in a ramshackle wooden hut in Kg Periuk, Chow Kit, with the magnificent Petronas Twin Towers in the backdrop.
Ira's 26-year-old mother Maria is said to have sold off her youngest child for RM15,000 last year, shortly after delivering the baby. Maria, who is a drug addict, is either at “work” or “high” most of the time. Meals are hard to come by, but thanks to Yayasan Salam Malaysia, Ira and her siblings get simple meals such as a cup of Milo and plain bread if they visit the local NGO Children's Activity Centre in Chow Kit. (See Doc: Treat children of sex workers like other kids). That too is subject to availability of food at the centre.
Ira goes to school with help of the NGO and well-wishers. “I hope to be a dancer or teacher. I would especially like to become a teacher because some of my teachers are very caring and loving towards me,” said Ira, when met at her “home”. She, however, faces an uncertain future, if things do not change for the better soon. There is a possibility that circumstances may force her to become a sex worker just like her mother and grandmother. Ira's sister Ish answered: “Entah (Don't know)”, when asked about her ambition. This perhaps aptly describes the uncertain future awaiting Ira and the many other street kids in Chow Kit.
Ten-year-old Chiku, whose mother Ora is also a sex worker, started school recently after Yayasan Salam consultant Dr Hartini Zainudin managed to obtain a birth certificate for him. While other children his age are discovering the wonders of the Digital Age, Chiku has just learnt to write his name. “Before this, when others went to school, I just roamed around here,” he said when met by this reporter. Chiku dreams of becoming a policeman because he wants to “catch bad people”. But if he fails at that, he said he would opt to become a motorcycle racer. When asked about his mother, Chiku bowed his head and replied: “She works very hard.” Ora, 33, said she tries her best to provide for Chiku, who is her firstborn. Her two younger children were given away after she gave birth to them.
STREET OF DESPAIR: The world of the Chow Kit kids revolves around the streets along Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman. For the children of the sex workers, numbering in the hundreds, the streets are both a playground and a place to sleep while their mothers 'entertain' clients at home.“My drug addict boyfriend is a heavy gambler. He forced me into prostitution when I was 20. I even had to entertain men for a mere RM5 when I was nine months' pregnant to support his habits,” said Ora.
Dr Hartini said there was fear that some of these children might have contracted HIV during birth. Maria, for instance, refused to take any precautions during intercourse. “In the case of Ora, her son can go to bed when his mother is done with business,” she said.
Uncertain future for Chow Kit children
They live in dingy homes along the streets of Chow Kit in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. Their mothers are drug addicts and sex workers. They sell their bodies to feed their habit, leaving the children in a world of their own.
In the daytime, these children play in the vicinity of their makeshift homes and wait for their mothers to return. At night, some of them follow their mothers to work, sleeping on the pavements, while their mothers entertain the clients at home. It's a sad world punctuated by hope as kind souls from NGOs try their best to make life better for these forgotten children.
KUALA LUMPUR: They are the unfortunate kids of the world. Circumstances beyond their control have made the streets of Chow Kit their dingy home and unwelcome playground. Some are forced to tag along with their sex worker mothers as they ply their trade. Others share a rundown wooden house or a small room in a shoplot with their siblings, waiting for their mothers to return home. Most do not have much to eat and sometimes resort to stealing to feed themselves.
At night, some of these children, who are said to number in the hundreds in Chow Kit alone, sleep on the pavements while their mothers “entertain” clients at home. Ira is only 10 but plays “mother” to her four brothers, aged between one and seven, and a nine-year-old sister. All have different fathers. The children live in a ramshackle wooden hut in Kg Periuk, Chow Kit, with the magnificent Petronas Twin Towers in the backdrop.
Ira's 26-year-old mother Maria is said to have sold off her youngest child for RM15,000 last year, shortly after delivering the baby. Maria, who is a drug addict, is either at “work” or “high” most of the time. Meals are hard to come by, but thanks to Yayasan Salam Malaysia, Ira and her siblings get simple meals such as a cup of Milo and plain bread if they visit the local NGO Children's Activity Centre in Chow Kit. (See Doc: Treat children of sex workers like other kids). That too is subject to availability of food at the centre.
Ira goes to school with help of the NGO and well-wishers. “I hope to be a dancer or teacher. I would especially like to become a teacher because some of my teachers are very caring and loving towards me,” said Ira, when met at her “home”. She, however, faces an uncertain future, if things do not change for the better soon. There is a possibility that circumstances may force her to become a sex worker just like her mother and grandmother. Ira's sister Ish answered: “Entah (Don't know)”, when asked about her ambition. This perhaps aptly describes the uncertain future awaiting Ira and the many other street kids in Chow Kit.
Ten-year-old Chiku, whose mother Ora is also a sex worker, started school recently after Yayasan Salam consultant Dr Hartini Zainudin managed to obtain a birth certificate for him. While other children his age are discovering the wonders of the Digital Age, Chiku has just learnt to write his name. “Before this, when others went to school, I just roamed around here,” he said when met by this reporter. Chiku dreams of becoming a policeman because he wants to “catch bad people”. But if he fails at that, he said he would opt to become a motorcycle racer. When asked about his mother, Chiku bowed his head and replied: “She works very hard.” Ora, 33, said she tries her best to provide for Chiku, who is her firstborn. Her two younger children were given away after she gave birth to them.
STREET OF DESPAIR: The world of the Chow Kit kids revolves around the streets along Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman. For the children of the sex workers, numbering in the hundreds, the streets are both a playground and a place to sleep while their mothers 'entertain' clients at home.“My drug addict boyfriend is a heavy gambler. He forced me into prostitution when I was 20. I even had to entertain men for a mere RM5 when I was nine months' pregnant to support his habits,” said Ora.
Dr Hartini said there was fear that some of these children might have contracted HIV during birth. Maria, for instance, refused to take any precautions during intercourse. “In the case of Ora, her son can go to bed when his mother is done with business,” she said.
Friday, September 22, 2006
I'm happy :D
I'm feeling HAPPY! Must be the amalgamation of it being the weekend, new phone, new hair colour and the lil Red Book (i.e. Mao Tze Tung's red book)... it's far too profound for me, but some of the concepts are worth considering. It's weird but I've just been hit by a wave of *happinesssss* ... all of a sudden!
On a separate note, eere's a lil pix of the lil red book, a pressie from HP. No, no, I do not have communist tendencies. I'm a true blue believer in democracy, open market competition and capitalism. After all, these created an unlimited world of options for shopping!! ;o)
On a separate note, eere's a lil pix of the lil red book, a pressie from HP. No, no, I do not have communist tendencies. I'm a true blue believer in democracy, open market competition and capitalism. After all, these created an unlimited world of options for shopping!! ;o)

"Classes struggle, some classes triumph, others are eliminated. Such is history, such is the history of civilization for thousands of years. to interpret history from this viewpoint is historical materialism; standing in opposition to this view is historical idealism." HMMM.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
1 year old!
As of this week, I'm officially 1 year old in the "new" workplace! "Happy Birthday" to meeee.....!!!
"Borrowed" Humpty Dumpty cake photo
My night in KK
Went on my first "duty travel" to KK on Sunday night. Travelling on business class is NICE! ;)
Some excerpts from my trusty travel log:
"On-flight (sunday nite): Met the head of anesthetics from Queen E hospital in KK. Gave her my card - hope she emails me. Hmm, on the other hand she's a Gold Card member... hopefully she doesn't call for favours :P. Apparently she used to attend LC and knows Philip Koh, Wong Sai Weng, Susan Khoo. SMALL WORLD! Quite a chatty lady, from KL spent 12 years in KK, no family... she was telling me about the challenges she faces when dealing with the government.
Arrived yest (sunday nite): Was raining cats and dogs! Staying in the lovely Magellan Sutera Harbour. The hotel upgraded my room to a Club Room, hehe, no balcony but with a beautiful view of the marina. Too bad no camera... and no camera phone! (going to get a new phone once I'm back in town.. must, must, must). Requested for room with single bed, but none available. :(
The hotel is packed with tour groups - Japs, Koreans, Aussies, Brits, you name it!! It's a shame it's been raining in the evenings so much tho. Eric picked me up for dinner.. it was STILL raining! And we went to an Italian place in town. The soup was good, pasta so-so (mushroom ravioli in carbonara sauce) and some biscuity pizza thing which I've not had before.. yummy! Dinner turned out to be most unexpected. Eric shared a life-changing experience, a conference he attended in Taipei. It was so hot and noisy talking in the restaurant so we decided to come back to the hotel lobby for a chat. He ended up sharing Psalms 50 and praying for me :P
Could not sleep much yesterday nite... mind was working so hard! Had some strange dreams involving M, his mum and some other ppl.
Today (monday morn): Had breakfast with CoSec and dir of safety & security. EVERYONE (except the 3 of us) was in shorts and slippers.. and me? I'm in a suit.. :P
Waited and waited and waited for the presentation on BEA... still waiting now. :( Looks like the meeting's not going to end at 1pm. Met some lawyers and bankers from Spore. One of the laywers knows Zoe... :P Small world. I'm frozen stiff.. it's so cold here in the waiting area, and I think in the meeting room too. Need sleep.. ZZZZ. Gosh hope I don't need to present! And that they don't ask me questions.
Yawning now... I think I've gone to the loo 5 times. :P SO COLD! Brrrr...
Hmm, I wonder if I should take the cab home from KLIA or just take the KLIA express to KL Sentral and then get a ride home.. Think I'll do the former so that I don't trouble Dad.
Am waiting in the Golden Lounge in KK (they DO have one!) for my flight... guess who's on the same flight?!! MD, CFO, Dir of Operations... sigh. My guess is I'll be sitting next to one of them... hmm "
In hindsight, I should have gone a little earlier to KK... found out that some of my colleagues who went had a mini golfing holiday there... :P
Some excerpts from my trusty travel log:
"On-flight (sunday nite): Met the head of anesthetics from Queen E hospital in KK. Gave her my card - hope she emails me. Hmm, on the other hand she's a Gold Card member... hopefully she doesn't call for favours :P. Apparently she used to attend LC and knows Philip Koh, Wong Sai Weng, Susan Khoo. SMALL WORLD! Quite a chatty lady, from KL spent 12 years in KK, no family... she was telling me about the challenges she faces when dealing with the government.
Arrived yest (sunday nite): Was raining cats and dogs! Staying in the lovely Magellan Sutera Harbour. The hotel upgraded my room to a Club Room, hehe, no balcony but with a beautiful view of the marina. Too bad no camera... and no camera phone! (going to get a new phone once I'm back in town.. must, must, must). Requested for room with single bed, but none available. :(
The hotel is packed with tour groups - Japs, Koreans, Aussies, Brits, you name it!! It's a shame it's been raining in the evenings so much tho. Eric picked me up for dinner.. it was STILL raining! And we went to an Italian place in town. The soup was good, pasta so-so (mushroom ravioli in carbonara sauce) and some biscuity pizza thing which I've not had before.. yummy! Dinner turned out to be most unexpected. Eric shared a life-changing experience, a conference he attended in Taipei. It was so hot and noisy talking in the restaurant so we decided to come back to the hotel lobby for a chat. He ended up sharing Psalms 50 and praying for me :P
Could not sleep much yesterday nite... mind was working so hard! Had some strange dreams involving M, his mum and some other ppl.
Today (monday morn): Had breakfast with CoSec and dir of safety & security. EVERYONE (except the 3 of us) was in shorts and slippers.. and me? I'm in a suit.. :P
Waited and waited and waited for the presentation on BEA... still waiting now. :( Looks like the meeting's not going to end at 1pm. Met some lawyers and bankers from Spore. One of the laywers knows Zoe... :P Small world. I'm frozen stiff.. it's so cold here in the waiting area, and I think in the meeting room too. Need sleep.. ZZZZ. Gosh hope I don't need to present! And that they don't ask me questions.
Yawning now... I think I've gone to the loo 5 times. :P SO COLD! Brrrr...
Hmm, I wonder if I should take the cab home from KLIA or just take the KLIA express to KL Sentral and then get a ride home.. Think I'll do the former so that I don't trouble Dad.
Am waiting in the Golden Lounge in KK (they DO have one!) for my flight... guess who's on the same flight?!! MD, CFO, Dir of Operations... sigh. My guess is I'll be sitting next to one of them... hmm "
In hindsight, I should have gone a little earlier to KK... found out that some of my colleagues who went had a mini golfing holiday there... :P
Friday, September 15, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Melb Photos!
A tribute to Irene
It is with the gift of hindsight that we discover more of the people we have spent our days with and better understand the way in which they have impacted our lives...
Aunty Irene, to me, has always been a sweet little lady, kind and always smiling. As the years went by she walked a little slower but was still as gentle and as kind. I never knew that behind that gentle demeanor was a character of strength and perseverence. Never would I have imagined that she had lived the colourful life she had. It was only at her memorial that I discovered her trials and triumphs.
Even in her passing, she has left us with a gift.. a gift of friendship :). As an outcome of the events over the past few weeks I have made friends with the Voon family, and it has been a pleasure knowing them.
Aunty Irene, to me, has always been a sweet little lady, kind and always smiling. As the years went by she walked a little slower but was still as gentle and as kind. I never knew that behind that gentle demeanor was a character of strength and perseverence. Never would I have imagined that she had lived the colourful life she had. It was only at her memorial that I discovered her trials and triumphs.
Even in her passing, she has left us with a gift.. a gift of friendship :). As an outcome of the events over the past few weeks I have made friends with the Voon family, and it has been a pleasure knowing them.
Yummy Vietnamese dinner with the Voons at Cungdinh, OneBangsar
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Bitten by a travel bug
Those of you who have known me for a while would've realised that I was bitten by a travel bug early on. Somehow the Merdeka celebrations inspired me to travel though I truly have no idea how that came about. :-P
Just taking stock of my travels and planning for the year(s) ahead. Hmm, I really should capitalise on the travel discounts I'm getting with the current job... he he he...
Kota Kinabalu (Summer 1997)
Uni Days:
Paris (1998)
Italy (Rome, Milan, Florence, Venice, Pisa) (Summer 2000)
Chicago & New York (End 2000)
Chongqing, China (Jan - Mar 2002)
Hong Kong, Shen Zhen & Guangzhou (Apr 2002)
Germany & Austria (Christmas 2002)
Brunei (work)
Kota Kinabalu (End 2002)
Redang (Diving, Aug 2003)
Chicago, Phoenix, Sedona & LA (Mid 2003)
Hong Kong (Nov 2003)
Tioman (Diving, Nov 2003)
Trang, Thailand (Diving, Apr 2004)
Cambodia (Hari Raya 2004)
Brunei (work)
Hong Kong (April 2005)
Chicago (April 2005)
London & Paris (Summer 2005)
London & Belfast (Winter 2005)
Pos Keding (4X4 trip, Jan 2006)
Melbourne & Falls Creek (July 2006)
Bali (March 2006)
Places I hope to visit this year:
Bangkok - DONE! Nov 2006
Places I hope to visit next year or at some point in time:
South Africa
South America
Japan - DONE! May 2007
Just taking stock of my travels and planning for the year(s) ahead. Hmm, I really should capitalise on the travel discounts I'm getting with the current job... he he he...
Kota Kinabalu (Summer 1997)
Uni Days:
Paris (1998)
Italy (Rome, Milan, Florence, Venice, Pisa) (Summer 2000)
Chicago & New York (End 2000)
Chongqing, China (Jan - Mar 2002)
Hong Kong, Shen Zhen & Guangzhou (Apr 2002)
Germany & Austria (Christmas 2002)
Brunei (work)
Kota Kinabalu (End 2002)
Redang (Diving, Aug 2003)
Chicago, Phoenix, Sedona & LA (Mid 2003)
Hong Kong (Nov 2003)
Tioman (Diving, Nov 2003)
Trang, Thailand (Diving, Apr 2004)
Cambodia (Hari Raya 2004)
Brunei (work)
Hong Kong (April 2005)
Chicago (April 2005)
London & Paris (Summer 2005)
London & Belfast (Winter 2005)
Pos Keding (4X4 trip, Jan 2006)
Melbourne & Falls Creek (July 2006)
Bali (March 2006)
Places I hope to visit this year:
Bangkok - DONE! Nov 2006
Places I hope to visit next year or at some point in time:
South Africa
South America
Japan - DONE! May 2007
Leslie's Farewell & August Bdays
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Yvonne Foong - Please support her cause
Yvonne Foong is a student, freelance writer and patient of Neurofibromatosis. I've heard her speak and her passion for life is contagious and inspiring. If you are able to, please support her cause. She's been working really, really hard to raise funds for her surgery - she needs RM 230,000! She sells T-shirts and other items (books, etc). Do check out her website at :)
Here's a sample of her T-shirt design...
Here's a sample of her T-shirt design...

It's been a month plus since the last time I visited my grandma. I was shocked today at how much she has aged. She's now in a wheelchair, is a little more bent and no longer remembers my name. I was suddenly overcome with sadness and a flood of tears.
I wonder how I would view the world, at the ripe of old age of 84 - how I would view my children, my past. I hope that at that age I would be able to proudly say that I have lived, enjoyed the life I had led - the happy and the sad, touched lives and would at that point in time be looking forward to a better place, a place where there would be no sickness and pain.
Or perhaps I would not even make it to that age.
I wonder how I would view the world, at the ripe of old age of 84 - how I would view my children, my past. I hope that at that age I would be able to proudly say that I have lived, enjoyed the life I had led - the happy and the sad, touched lives and would at that point in time be looking forward to a better place, a place where there would be no sickness and pain.
Or perhaps I would not even make it to that age.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Winds of change...
I'm in two minds about whether I should delete this space and start anew or migrate to another blog.... certain things have happened and it would be nice to be able to blog without reservation.
Oh, as you can tell, I've still not found the time to upload photos of the trip... will do so soon!! Promise!! Hehe...
Suyin! I reckon you'd be back in KL by now? Do drop me a line ya! I'll be nice to catch up. :)
Oh, as you can tell, I've still not found the time to upload photos of the trip... will do so soon!! Promise!! Hehe...
Suyin! I reckon you'd be back in KL by now? Do drop me a line ya! I'll be nice to catch up. :)
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Greetings from Melb!
Wowwie... the weekend was one filled with adventure and adrenaline! Had a wonderful time on Falls Creek... it was my first time skiing and t'was truly remarkable. Must say though that skiing is much more dangerous than diving. Regardless of how careful you are, others can knock into you at anytime! (A friend of mine suffered a broken wrist on the first day and had to return to Melb.. poor chap was so disappointed that he missed everything)
The mountains were so beautiful, all white and it was sunny there too. It took me a while for everything to sink in, with all the excitement and activities. There were 48 of us on the bus! And we left at about 2am on Friday morning (the bus was late and the lot of us waited out in the cold for 1 hr :P) The bus ride took about 5 hours and for the last 30 mins we were on a really winding stretch. Towards the end of the trip we could hear people retching away :P Anyhow, most of us couldn't sleep on the bus and by the time we arrived, we all looked rather dazed. Haha. However, all the tiredness wore off when we saw how lovely the surrounding was and our energy levels started to rise!!
Boy, the skis are SO HEAVY!!! Think I've developed right shoulder muscles from lugging them around :P. Apart from that, skiing's so cool!! It's amazing feeling the air on my face and feeling the rush of adrenaline and fear that comes with looking down a steep slope!! I had my share of ending up with my butt on the snow and jumping off ski-lifts (I didn't get off in time and realised that the ground was already about 2 feet from my feet and everyone was already off... hahahha). But all in all, it was wonderful!
The lessons really helped and gave me a better idea of how to respond to different slopes and more importantly, HOW TO STOP!! Hahha... and yes, I kept hearing "SNOW PLOUGH!". There were so many people on the slopes, it being a weekend. It really amused me that little munchkins were moving about so comfortably on the snow and I was moving like someone in a 3-legged race. Haha, anyhow, I'd love to be back on the slopes... perhaps South Korea next time round - I've heard it's lovely there.
Will post photos when I get back to KL at the end of the week. :)
The mountains were so beautiful, all white and it was sunny there too. It took me a while for everything to sink in, with all the excitement and activities. There were 48 of us on the bus! And we left at about 2am on Friday morning (the bus was late and the lot of us waited out in the cold for 1 hr :P) The bus ride took about 5 hours and for the last 30 mins we were on a really winding stretch. Towards the end of the trip we could hear people retching away :P Anyhow, most of us couldn't sleep on the bus and by the time we arrived, we all looked rather dazed. Haha. However, all the tiredness wore off when we saw how lovely the surrounding was and our energy levels started to rise!!
Boy, the skis are SO HEAVY!!! Think I've developed right shoulder muscles from lugging them around :P. Apart from that, skiing's so cool!! It's amazing feeling the air on my face and feeling the rush of adrenaline and fear that comes with looking down a steep slope!! I had my share of ending up with my butt on the snow and jumping off ski-lifts (I didn't get off in time and realised that the ground was already about 2 feet from my feet and everyone was already off... hahahha). But all in all, it was wonderful!
The lessons really helped and gave me a better idea of how to respond to different slopes and more importantly, HOW TO STOP!! Hahha... and yes, I kept hearing "SNOW PLOUGH!". There were so many people on the slopes, it being a weekend. It really amused me that little munchkins were moving about so comfortably on the snow and I was moving like someone in a 3-legged race. Haha, anyhow, I'd love to be back on the slopes... perhaps South Korea next time round - I've heard it's lovely there.
Will post photos when I get back to KL at the end of the week. :)
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Balloting for...
The Global Leadership Forum, 1 - 2 August.... yippee!! There were 3 slots available for 6 of us and fortune had it that I managed to get a slot. I'm looking forward to it as there is going to be an interesting line-up of speakers ...
Ex-CEO of walt Disney (Michael Eisner), Founder of the WWW (Sir Tim Berners), Donald Trump (via satellite), Miss world 2000 (Priyanka Chopra), the world's best referee (Pierluiggi), etc.... do check it out at
Looking forward to the food in KL Hilton as well... hahha... sad. :P
Ex-CEO of walt Disney (Michael Eisner), Founder of the WWW (Sir Tim Berners), Donald Trump (via satellite), Miss world 2000 (Priyanka Chopra), the world's best referee (Pierluiggi), etc.... do check it out at
Looking forward to the food in KL Hilton as well... hahha... sad. :P
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Drama - Over!
Ok, my car's been repainted and is back from the workshop.. yay! Feeling a little wary driving these days, so taking the other car. ;) Thank God it's over. Many thanks too to all those who were supportive and provided encouragement/ advice.... Hugs! :)
Here's a look at the damage... wasn't too bad, thankfully.. :P
Here's a look at the damage... wasn't too bad, thankfully.. :P

Sunday, July 16, 2006
Drama - Being resolved
I met the woman who hit and run, as agreed, this afternoon and we went to the workshop to get a quote. She must have been really drunk last night, because she asked me which car she hit... :P Terrible. It was fortunate that she didn't knock a kid or someone taking an evening walk.
But the good thing is that she apologized and will be paying for the damages. And guess what? She knows the mechanic that I brought the car to for the paint job... Hmm... I reckon she must have had her car done there several times.
What a hassle - had to rush back from a seminar in town and had to take half day emergency leave. Anyways, I'm just glad that it'll be over soon.
But the good thing is that she apologized and will be paying for the damages. And guess what? She knows the mechanic that I brought the car to for the paint job... Hmm... I reckon she must have had her car done there several times.
What a hassle - had to rush back from a seminar in town and had to take half day emergency leave. Anyways, I'm just glad that it'll be over soon.
A drunk woman hit my car!
You would not believe it but a drunk woman driving without headlamps ran into my car tonight!!! There was such a loud bang! And she had the cheek to run off in her car... without even stopping to see the damage she had done!!! I chased her down the road, honking all the way and managed to stop her.... My heart was racing and as I approached her car, there were 3 other blokes who were also charging towards her... she had apparently also almost hit their car.
The woman, a 51 year old, was drunk. My bro said he could smell alchohol on her breath. She was slurring and refused to get out of the car... kept saying she didn't hit anyone. I checked her car bumper and it had red paint on it... and she still refused to get out of the car. Fortunately one of the guys whose car she almost hit had a camera phone (I really should get one!), and later my bro brought my camera and took some photos. Even then, she kept refusing to get out of the car. Fortunately there was this man, who claimed that he knows her, apparently lives on the same road. He said he would talk to her and managed to get her to promise to pay for the damage.
We agreed to meet up tomorrow to take my car to the mechanic to get a quote. I really hope she shows up as agreed and pays without any hassle. Never know what a drunk woman may or may not remember. I've taken down her Name, IC and phone number.. but as you know, she can always refuse to take my calls or change her number. In a moment of haste, I forgot to ask for her IC... I had asked her where she lives, but she said it didn't matter. O dear.... I'm so inexperienced. Should have insisted that she showed me her IC. Anyway, at least I know her number's correct. We'll see what happens tomorrow..... what a way to end the weekend.
I can't believe someone so old can behave so poorly, with so little integrity. Can't believe she tried to hit and run!!! Sigh, my poor little car.
Will post of photos of my car later... when this whole episode is over.
The woman, a 51 year old, was drunk. My bro said he could smell alchohol on her breath. She was slurring and refused to get out of the car... kept saying she didn't hit anyone. I checked her car bumper and it had red paint on it... and she still refused to get out of the car. Fortunately one of the guys whose car she almost hit had a camera phone (I really should get one!), and later my bro brought my camera and took some photos. Even then, she kept refusing to get out of the car. Fortunately there was this man, who claimed that he knows her, apparently lives on the same road. He said he would talk to her and managed to get her to promise to pay for the damage.
We agreed to meet up tomorrow to take my car to the mechanic to get a quote. I really hope she shows up as agreed and pays without any hassle. Never know what a drunk woman may or may not remember. I've taken down her Name, IC and phone number.. but as you know, she can always refuse to take my calls or change her number. In a moment of haste, I forgot to ask for her IC... I had asked her where she lives, but she said it didn't matter. O dear.... I'm so inexperienced. Should have insisted that she showed me her IC. Anyway, at least I know her number's correct. We'll see what happens tomorrow..... what a way to end the weekend.
I can't believe someone so old can behave so poorly, with so little integrity. Can't believe she tried to hit and run!!! Sigh, my poor little car.
Will post of photos of my car later... when this whole episode is over.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Do these things...
Finally, pumpkin, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy— pumpkin, think about such things.
(Paraphrased from Phil 4:8)
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Counting down to Melb
Woke up this morning and realised that it's only a month till my Melb ski trip! Can't wait.. yay! Wish M was coming along though...
Idealistic people make me sick
"We only live life once.... so go do what you need to do with it"
Well, not all of us have the luxury of doing what we want to do and can disregard what others' think ...
(Yikes, I have become a cynic!)
Hmm, truth be told, I of all people have nothing to complain about. :P
Well, not all of us have the luxury of doing what we want to do and can disregard what others' think ...
(Yikes, I have become a cynic!)
Hmm, truth be told, I of all people have nothing to complain about. :P
Monday, July 03, 2006
I am content. I am blessed. I am loved. Thank you Father for your grace in my life, and for those special people around me that make it all worthwhile.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
More babies
Saturday, July 01, 2006
The day England lost...
I have to write a 'lil somthing about the World Cup.... ok, admitedly I have not watched every single match, hmm, actually not even half of all the matches! But hey, this happens only once in 4 years and so it IS worth a blog. Anyway, England's out! Go, Portugal!!! Ha ha (no apologies to all y'all England fans out there. :P) M & I intended to wear our England jerseys - not that we're fans in a big way.... we're actually not fans at all.. hahaha, but since we have 'em jerseys, what the hey.
Anyhow, that did not workout. It was the evening of W & S's wedding, a lovely and touching one, I must add.... and with all the heat I was much too pooped to go out.
Lovely Wei Lyn...
Anyhow, that did not workout. It was the evening of W & S's wedding, a lovely and touching one, I must add.... and with all the heat I was much too pooped to go out.
Lovely Wei Lyn...

Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
Blueprinters "reunion"
Had a great time catching up with some of the DSO bunch and ex-DSO bunch over dinner last Friday in Chillies... YUM!
Someone said: "Lets all go migrate to Australia! ... And set up an SAP consultancy there."... Ha, ha... not too far-fetched an idea....
And Christina did some photo editing. Thanks dear! :)
Someone said: "Lets all go migrate to Australia! ... And set up an SAP consultancy there."... Ha, ha... not too far-fetched an idea....
And Christina did some photo editing. Thanks dear! :)
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
A wonderful feeling
H's baby has finally arrived! The news makes me feel all prickly and tingly inside... such joy! Mummy has created a blogsite for her...

2 degrees
I really should've known this, but KL is a village!! So-n-so is so-n-so's ex and went to uni with so-n-so, whose bf is my uni mate and who is colleagues with my ex-colleague, who's husband is my "boss" whose.. blah, blah, blah...
The lesson? Behave - wherever you are. Ha ha.
The lesson? Behave - wherever you are. Ha ha.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Special group of ppl...
They were made simple, to bless others through their simplicity...
Social Club happens every first saturday of the month - a get-together for those born with learning difficulties. It's always a time filled with fun and laughter. In all honesty, I was a rather reluctant participant this week.. wanted sleep in on a Saturday morn! Had to pick-up a few passengers - really didn't mind - but it didn't help that some roads were closed on the UM campus.... and we were already late! The usual, haha.
All in all, I had a wonderful time. Thanks for asking NW! ;)
Social Club happens every first saturday of the month - a get-together for those born with learning difficulties. It's always a time filled with fun and laughter. In all honesty, I was a rather reluctant participant this week.. wanted sleep in on a Saturday morn! Had to pick-up a few passengers - really didn't mind - but it didn't help that some roads were closed on the UM campus.... and we were already late! The usual, haha.
All in all, I had a wonderful time. Thanks for asking NW! ;)
The birthday girls - Esther & Michelle
Sunday, June 11, 2006
An old friend
It amazes me no end that through the passage of time, we see how our friends grow to be more mature... emotionally and spiritually. I have recently been truly encouraged by the blogsite of a uni friend from HK. We were apartment mates and we went through the cycles of exams, cooking sessions, late nights, boyfriends and the other ups and downs of uni life together. It has been through her life in the recent years and our short catch-up sessions that I have come to see how real God is to her and the value of a disciplined and focused life.
Bless you dear friend and may your special day be a wonderful start to a new phase in this journey of life!!! So happy for you!!!
Bless you dear friend and may your special day be a wonderful start to a new phase in this journey of life!!! So happy for you!!!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
And to think that a short trip down south would be inspiring... :P Flying always makes me realise that my space in this universe is but a drop in the ocean ... I must make my mark, else life is futile...
(and while the feeling's strong...)
Caught up with Z, P and A... twas good for the soul. Photos to follow.
(and while the feeling's strong...)
Caught up with Z, P and A... twas good for the soul. Photos to follow.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
No man is an island...
We are dependent on the strength
We draw from one another;
Words spoken give encouragement,
Love practiced draws us closer. —Sper
"Two are better than one” (Ecclesiastes 4:9)
Jumping on the blog-a-wagon...
I've been thinking about doing this for a while now. Will let the photos speak for themselves... :)
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