Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Final post for the year 2009

Excerpt of today's quiet time from Word Life....

Jesus’ attitude about his call to serve God and his relationship with his Father reveals in him an authority that transcends basic human relationships and makes Mary’s indirect rebuke almost irrelevant. Yet he is a picture of how we should all prioritise our lives before God, sometimes having to make choices that may be hard for some to understand, as we seek God’s face and pursue his ways.

Paul Woodbridge

It's been a long difficult year... I look forward to the new one with much hope and anticipation for the things He has in store for me. May I look out for the signposts that are long the pathway, lest I find myself lost once again. Happy new year 2010!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas post

It's been AGES!

The year has been rife with disappointments, surprises and occasionally peppered with laughs. Not sure if it's all been worth it, but next year, I will strive to be my own person. Thus ends my "year of change", and I look forward to a "year of hope and new beginnings".

The theme of hope came initially through an old, long lost friend's Christmas email, and today again through the Christmas message during service. Indeed during these uncertain times, hope is much needed. Hope in a future with the Lord gives me strength to face each day. May the message of Christ's love and sacrifice be real in all our lives always!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Bored and confused

I've decided to ignore the huge target I've been given.... at least until I don't have a choice. :P

I wonder how long I can do that for...

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Hmmm.... what do I spend my first paycheque on???? BIG dilemma!! hahahhaha

I'm going to Orchard today!

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Psalm 5

11 But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
let them ever sing for joy.
Spread your protection over them,
that those who love your name may rejoice in you.

12 For surely, O LORD, you bless the righteous;
you surround them with your favor as with a shield.

* Pumpkin from the Lion City

Friday, February 13, 2009

Saying Goodbye

It's been a good 2.5 years with the airline (excl my sabbatical year) and I will miss the team. People have come and gone but the current team has great camaraderie and is wonderful to work with. I'll miss you guys (and the cheap flights too ;)) !! All the very best for 2009!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Short-lived happiness

The euphoria lasts
But a mere second in time
How disappointing

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Haiku & CNY

Here's me taking a stab at writing Haiku:

Golden oranges
Pink cherry blossoms in bloom
A new year is here

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A new day...

A new day has come. Today America has a new leader, one who brings hope in the midst of economic gloom and financial turmoil. May God grant him much wisdom, strength and grace to make the right decisions - decisions that will have far-reaching consequences that will affect an entire generation and those to come.

It is indeed time for change. May the spirit of hope and virtue, honesty and hardwork live on.

Random thoughts

God has been good. Some decisions are hard to make. I need wisdom.

Friday, January 16, 2009

New look

Somehow I still like this template best.... altho it's the same as pumpkingoestoskool!! Oh, no matter.

Letting go

I think I'm learning to let go. Slowly but surely. :)

I'm looking forward to the move. It'll be an adventure, an opportunity to try new things, make new friends, widen my social circle, take on more responsibility. "The day you decide not to take on challenges is the day you stop growing."

Today has been a day of quotes:

The highest reward for a man's toil is not what he gets for it but what he becomes by it.--John Ruskin

No guts no glory.--Unknown

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Prayer for the New Year

Thank God for small miracles. :)


Almighty God,
by whose mercy my life has been
yet prolonged to another year,
grant that thy mercy may not be in vain.
Let not my years be multiplied to increase my guilt,
but as age advances,
let me become more pure in my thoughts, more regular in my desires, and more obedient to thy laws.
Let not the cares of the world distract me, nor the evils of age overwhelm me. But continue and increase thy loving kindness towards me,
and when thou shalt call me hence,
receive me to everlasting happiness,
for the sake of Jesus Christ,
our Lord.

Samuel Johnson: 1709–1794