Friday, August 24, 2018

An amazing discovery...

Of my old self!

By some sheer twist of fate (or as Christians would have it - God's will), someone I recently met reminded me of my blogsite this evening. And what an amazing discovery it has been, reading through old posts, finding lovely old photos and realising that I was lost and have been found. It's comforting to know that in many ways, my current self remains true to my old self. God certainly has a strange way of using people.

After 6 years of writing, I fell off a cliff. And seven years later, I am back! Exceedingly grateful and so very relieved that I'm back on the cliff. It's been one helluva journey climbing back, but His grace has been sufficient. How wonderful it is to have this treasure trove of memories which have been long forgotten.

Thank you, Father.

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